Welcome to Al-Anon Family Groups in Israel – Strength and hope for families & friends of alcoholics.
Al-Anon Family Groups in Israel provide a welcoming haven for newcomers and long-time Al-Anon members, who either live in Israel, are just visiting, or who want to connect to our groups on Zoom from other parts of the world.
We have a number of in-person meetings in different cities in Israel in English, Hebrew, and Russian. Our Zoom meetings that started during the COVID era, have attracted and become home to people all over Israel and the world.
Speaker Meeting:
From Alateen to Al-Anon
Jared H. will share his experience of Alateen as a child, how he later found help for his own alcohol addiction in
AA, and how he reconnected with Al-Anon later in recovery.
Teenagers and children, accompanied by a responsible adult, are also welcome to this meeting.
Translated subtitles in Hebrew, Russian and English will be available.
Via Zoom Online / Open to the Public
Sponsored by Hope and Serenity in the Galil Al-Anon Family Group
Monday, 10 February 2025
Time of meeting:
7:00 PM (19:00) Israel
5:00 PM (17:00) GMT
12:00 Noon USA Eastern Time
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86502787198?pwd=K1llaE1GeVhwOHk1VENob3ozNzg1dz09
Meeting ID: 865 0278 7198
Passcode: 12steps
This is the Ninth Speaker meeting in the Series: Helping Children from Families of Alcoholics
For more information email: twelve@outlook.co.il
Intended for everyone: the general public, members of all twelve-step fellowships, all parents, grandparents, health care professionals
Our goals: To provide information that will encourage development of groups for children and teenagers and help improve groups that already exist.