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Speaker Meeting:


How Alateen Changed My Life



Karen K. will share her personal experience in Alateen and how it impacted her life.

Teenagers and children, accompanied by a responsible adult, are also welcome to this meeting.

Via Zoom Online / Open to the Public

Sponsored by Hope and Serenity in the Galil Al-Anon Family Group

Monday, 4 November 2024

Time of meeting:

7:00 PM (19:00) Israel (Note time changes in Israel October 27)

5:00 PM (17:00) GMT (Note time changes in Israel October 27)

12:00 Noon USA Eastern Time (Note USA time changes November 3)


Zoom Link:

Meeting ID: 865 0278 7198
Passcode: 12steps

This is the eighth Speaker’s meeting in the Series:  Helping Children from Families of Alcoholics

For more information email:

Intended for everyone:  the general public, members of all twelve-step fellowships, all parents, grandparents, health care professionals

Our goals:  To provide information that will encourage development of groups for children and teenagers and help improve groups that already exist. 

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